Saturday, December 9, 2023

Dams cause climate change

Copyright © 2011 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

The solution to climate change lies not in net zero emissions but in removing dams and allowing FOREST regeneration. Click on Ramaswami Ashok Kumar in a search engine and then on blogger's profile and the online real time book opens and then click on any work like PERFECT DESIGNS for starters!


UN’s climate summit COP28 linked the tripling of renewable energy capacity with a ‘phase-out’, or a time-bound ending, of the use of fossil fuels.

This follows from the witchcraft asserting that climate change is caused solely by ghgs. The truth is that 92 percent of climate change is due to the world's dams! See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2022.INDIAN SW MONSOON INTRA-SEASONAL VARIABILITY IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS.blogspot.

Thus the requirement is to remove the dams and allow forest regeneration with people's cooperatives supplementing this with analogous ecologically diverse reforestation with diverse pastures included spanning efforts lasting millennia. This is because dams are non living slaves of gravity and are increasing entropy of the earth through modern civilization rapidly while the atmospheric distribution network of plants recharge groundwaters through multiple reuse cycles of transpiration and rain using the infinite negentropy of the sun and also reproduce themselves. Dams destroy the earth into dustbowls. All living beings take part in the genesis and support of beings in a grand system of nature. Change your constitutions to nature-centric and SOS. Click on Ramaswami Ashok Kumar in a search engine and check  the blogger's profile for starters NOW. It is good to check out first Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: Dams must be removed and the hard work to create forests analogous to the areas must be undertaken. blogspot.

Change Could Cause Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions read a racy article in an US Climate Emergency Council article authored by DENNIS BUECKERT dated July 4, 2006. It is the other way round right now and the issue is Dams are causing climate change here and now! The electrical load demands and agricultural and other consumptive water uses worldwide are causing surge waves of changes in water pressure heads of hundreds of kilometers per second at the centers of gravity of water masses behind reservoirs in heavily dammed regions. In addition during the monsoons, the rapid build up of water masses behind dams are causing similar surges of water pressure build up. These are causing a constant rubbing action at the two sides of fractures in rocks at faults. Friction is releasing enormous heat. See
for the dynamics of the interconnection between the hotspots so created, the melting of the rocks and the occurrence of the earthquakes in deterministic fashion. The heat causes floods, landslides, hurricanes and the resultant climate change even resulted in another response of the earth to man's interference in nature's processes: The 1918-1919 influenza pandemic as shown in the URL:
Aware thinking people say I am way ahead of my times. But the fact is that this reflects a basic lacuna of modern civilisation: Dare not see the whole truth, there is no money in it! That means:"In living in this world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual IN A SOCIETY OF SPECIALISTS." -Wendell Berry.1975. The Unsettling of America:Culture and Agriculture.Sierra Club Books. CA.[Capitals mine]. The subject is dealt with in detail in the URL: which contains linkages to other URLs connected to the subject.


  1. 92 percent of climate is caused by dams and only 8 percent is due to the ghgs. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2022. PERFECT DESIGNS. INDIAN SW MONSOON INTRA-SEASONAL VARIABILITY IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS.blogspot at

  2. Look at the wide-ranging destruction of modern civilization by modern civilization caused by the Turkish earthquakes of 6th Feb 2023 at the link:
    The false narratives of the specialists have been thoroughly exposed.

  3. Ramaswami Ashok KumarDecember 10, 2023 at 3:32 PM


    You are biased in your article as much as the ipcc is. Dams cause climate change to the extent of 92 percent  and ghgs only to the extent of 8 percent. See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2022.INDIAN SW MONSOON INTRA-SEASONAL VARIABILITY IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS.blogspot at the link

    The attacks by the world's dams are infinitely powerful than all the armed forces of the world put together. See my Complete profile here. It is intriguing to note that the articles in the mainstream media are rarely commented on in India. When rare comments like mine based on scientific evidence furnished by me are ignored by you it shows prima facie your western mindset.

    Mahatma Gandhi in his Hind Swaraj in 1908 prophetically wrote:

    The East can meet the West when the West throws overboard almost the whole of modern civilization; the East can also meet the West when the East embraces modern civilization. But that will be an armed truce.

    Based on my work the claim of ipcc and cop28 that ghgs are the sole cause of climate change must be thrown overboard by all living in make believe modern civilization. 

    See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Dams cause climate change.

    The link:

  4. Ramaswami Ashok KumarJanuary 26, 2024 at 12:27 PM


    Behind all these  "lacks"  dear Koshy dear Koshy are the world's dams.

    Haikus to nonplus

    Dams suck away snow

    Create changes you can't bear

    They are called extremes!

    Renounce your fetish

    Modern civilization's 

    Science is make believe!

    See one changeless life

    In all the variegateds 

    All inseperate.

