Thursday, May 30, 2024

Airlines and dams: Airplane designs made invalid by dams

 Singapore Airlines turbulence: 22 passengers suffered spinal cord injuries, 6 had head trauma

The oldest patient is 83 years, while the youngest is a two-year-old child who suffered a concussion.

Updated - May 24, 2024 08:44 am IST

Published - May 24, 2024 08:32 am IST - Singapore


Copyright © 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 

World dam dynamics is wreaking havoc on modern civilization, a society of anachronistic specialists, like critical injuries to the spinal chord, skull and brain. Is this not enough is enough? Throughout the flight the NASA FIRMS FIRE MAP showed the flight path ground conditions red hot with brightness of the fires exceeding 95 to 105 C(20May 2024, 21 May 2024 and in the month prior to the flight schedule. This my research unambiguously proves is due to the direct heating up of the earth by dams of every nation from instant to instant. Similarly the dams hit the plane in its flight path relentlessly every 4.6 minutes on the average with forces and twisters resulting in sudden heat inputs averaging 75 million degrees Kelvin and vertical downward accelerations of 1800gs. Suddenly ten hours into the flight with the plane above Myanmar the air below the plane got so rarefied to cause the plane's altitude to drop at accelerations of 7 to 14 m/s/s and in about 3 secs the plane lost  height by 175m making the passengers enjoying lunch with seat belts unfastened to hit the roof suddenly, so injuring their spinal chords,their skulls and brain. One died.

The trajectory of the aeroplane, when it crosses the waves of force of world dam dynamics is rigidly determined by all the dams of the world acting through their centre of gravity.

From 07:49:24.8 on 21 May 2024, for 62 seconds, the passengers with unfastened seat belts suddenly every few seconds, alternately hit the roof and the floor of the plane as the plane oscillated losing height and gaining height of hundreds of feet every few seconds. Skulls and brains damaged, next second spinal cords damaged because of forces suddenly applied by the world's dams(Click on the figure to view it in full:

Yes they are caused by the forces applied on the plane by worldwide dam content changes from instant to instant: See the rigid control on the plane's altitude exerted by the global dam content changes( Click on the figure to view it in full):

Remove the dams which are causing earthquakes and violent climate catastrophes and employ all in cooperatives to assist assiduously in forest regeneration. Forests and you harmonize in great natural diversity.
Band ka savaal hai behen, baandka savaal hai!

1.Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2017.PERFECT DESIGNS: Ignore root cause get root shock: Dams the cause of Irma's Fury.blogspot 

2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2018. PERFECT DESIGNS: Mystery of the Malaysian MH 370 airliner disappearance solved. At the link: