Monday, June 17, 2024


 (C) 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 



Haikuish Ode against wilds.

Deep fake examples
Modern civilization
Saami people purged

Dams destroyed Saamis
Habitats drowned behind walls
Saami culture killed.

Chernobyl explodes
Uranium's omnicide
In Saamis, reindeer.

In decade after
Cancer sixforty times more
Than one twentieth.

It's epidemic
Sweden affected fully
All living beings.

Reindeer antlers glow
Saamis Swedes not spared
Omnicider's glow

Uranium hurts
Sticks to DNA phosphates
Nat back rads absorbed.

Thousandfold gammas
Inside both wild Swedes and Saamis
Phantom rays hit cells.

Infinitely effective
Diverse and deadly.

Negentropy gone
Habitats all poisoned full
By the wild moderns.

Deep fake specialists
Parallel economy
Became fossilized.

Remove all the dams
Throughout the world, free rivers
Bring back the forests.

The difficulty
Makes the value reachable
Of healthy climax.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar,
Camp Bengaluru,
Wednesday 19 June 2024.

Up to 30 percent of the 190 T of uranium of Chernobyl Unit 4  is now in the atmospheric fallout worldwide(3). The core fully melted. Hotspots in Saami territories were 1000 times more radioactive than the natural background radiation there within living beings(2). Uranium dust inhaled and ingested by reindeer and the Saamis as well as the Scandinavians bind to the DNA phosphate at affinities of 10EXP10/ M. And emit secondary photoelectrons and damage the body at infinite biological effectiveness. The Saamis already displaced and destroyed as a community in Scandinavia by Scandinavian rulers  because of  the havoc of modern civilization called dams(1,4), were eliminated as a society integral with the reindeer and the surrounding ecological habitat.
Look what happens when your designs become invalid in modern civilization:
One Saami woman named Sig-Britt was interviewed after the Chernobyl explosion. She said:
"It seems sometimes that things have become strange and make-believe. You see with your eyes the same mountains and lakes, the same herds, but you know there is something dangerous, something invisible, that can harm your children, that you can't see or touch or smell. Your hands keep doing the work, but your head worries about the future."
To the Saami, this meant that the reindeer, which they so closely regarded in their religion and culture, were contaminated and dirty.
-L E. Dooney.2003.Radioactive Reindeer.

And the Saami became undefined. 

ECRR 2010(2) states: The increase in cancer rate in Sweden in just ten years after Chernobyl is some 640 times the lifetime risk of 0.05/Sv published by ICRP.

Thus my suggestion for the world would be:

Such "economic" corridors must have for survival not suicide ,  the best ecological natural bottomline so living beings can suck negentropy for robust healthy long life in locally and globally optimized diversity. In its difficulty lies its highest probability of existence for evolution into climax. It involves full enjoyable employment of living beings for value to be realised.

"Know, too, from Me
Shineth the gathered glory of the suns
Which lighten all the world: from Me the moons
Draw silvery beams, and fire fierce loveliness.
I penetrate the clay, and lend all shapes
Their living force; I glide into the plant--
Root, leaf, and bloom--to make the woodlands green
With springing sap. Becoming vital warmth,
I glow in glad, respiring frames, and pass,
With outward and with inward breath, to feed
The body by all meats."
- Edwin Arnold.1885. The Song Celestial: The Bhagavadgita
1. Ashok Kumar R. 1986. Modern Civilization and Normal Civilization: The Need for Small Self-Sufficient Communities. GANDHI MARG. Vol. 8. No.2. May 1986. Pp 70-92.
2. ECRR 2010. Application of model.pp178-179. In

ECRR 2010 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk. The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionising Radiation. Regulators' Edition: Brussels 2010.

3. The Chernobyl disaster: What happened, and the long-term impacts

The accident at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine shocked the world, permanently altered a region, and leaves many questions unanswered.

ByErin Blakemore

May 18, 2019

4. L. AXELSSON. 2024. AEDNAN: AN EPIC. A.A. KNOPF. 2024.

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