Monday, June 17, 2024


 (C) 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar 



Haikuish Ode against wilds.

Deep fake examples
Modern civilization
Saami people purged

Dams destroyed Saamis
Habitats drowned behind walls
Saami culture killed.

Chernobyl explodes
Uranium's omnicide
In Saamis, reindeer.

In decade after
Cancer sixforty times more
Than one twentieth.

It's epidemic
Sweden affected fully
All living beings.

Reindeer antlers glow
Saamis Swedes not spared
Omnicider's glow

Uranium hurts
Sticks to DNA phosphates
Nat back rads absorbed.

Thousandfold gammas
Inside both wild Swedes and Saamis
Phantom rays hit cells.

Infinitely effective
Diverse and deadly.

Negentropy gone
Habitats all poisoned full
By the wild moderns.

Deep fake specialists
Parallel economy
Became fossilized.

Remove all the dams
Throughout the world, free rivers
Bring back the forests.

The difficulty
Makes the value reachable
Of healthy climax.

Ramaswami Ashok Kumar,
Camp Bengaluru,
Wednesday 19 June 2024.

Up to 30 percent of the 190 T of uranium of Chernobyl Unit 4  is now in the atmospheric fallout worldwide(3). The core fully melted. Hotspots in Saami territories were 1000 times more radioactive than the natural background radiation there within living beings(2). Uranium dust inhaled and ingested by reindeer and the Saamis as well as the Scandinavians bind to the DNA phosphate at affinities of 10EXP10/ M. And emit secondary photoelectrons and damage the body at infinite biological effectiveness. The Saamis already displaced and destroyed as a community in Scandinavia by Scandinavian rulers  because of  the havoc of modern civilization called dams(1,4), were eliminated as a society integral with the reindeer and the surrounding ecological habitat.
Look what happens when your designs become invalid in modern civilization:
One Saami woman named Sig-Britt was interviewed after the Chernobyl explosion. She said:
"It seems sometimes that things have become strange and make-believe. You see with your eyes the same mountains and lakes, the same herds, but you know there is something dangerous, something invisible, that can harm your children, that you can't see or touch or smell. Your hands keep doing the work, but your head worries about the future."
To the Saami, this meant that the reindeer, which they so closely regarded in their religion and culture, were contaminated and dirty.
-L E. Dooney.2003.Radioactive Reindeer.

And the Saami became undefined. 

ECRR 2010(2) states: The increase in cancer rate in Sweden in just ten years after Chernobyl is some 640 times the lifetime risk of 0.05/Sv published by ICRP.

Thus my suggestion for the world would be:

Such "economic" corridors must have for survival not suicide ,  the best ecological natural bottomline so living beings can suck negentropy for robust healthy long life in locally and globally optimized diversity. In its difficulty lies its highest probability of existence for evolution into climax. It involves full enjoyable employment of living beings for value to be realised.

"Know, too, from Me
Shineth the gathered glory of the suns
Which lighten all the world: from Me the moons
Draw silvery beams, and fire fierce loveliness.
I penetrate the clay, and lend all shapes
Their living force; I glide into the plant--
Root, leaf, and bloom--to make the woodlands green
With springing sap. Becoming vital warmth,
I glow in glad, respiring frames, and pass,
With outward and with inward breath, to feed
The body by all meats."
- Edwin Arnold.1885. The Song Celestial: The Bhagavadgita
1. Ashok Kumar R. 1986. Modern Civilization and Normal Civilization: The Need for Small Self-Sufficient Communities. GANDHI MARG. Vol. 8. No.2. May 1986. Pp 70-92.
2. ECRR 2010. Application of model.pp178-179. In

ECRR 2010 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk. The Health Effects of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionising Radiation. Regulators' Edition: Brussels 2010.

3. The Chernobyl disaster: What happened, and the long-term impacts

The accident at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine shocked the world, permanently altered a region, and leaves many questions unanswered.

ByErin Blakemore

May 18, 2019

4. L. AXELSSON. 2024. AEDNAN: AN EPIC. A.A. KNOPF. 2024.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Airlines and dams: Airplane designs made invalid by dams

 Singapore Airlines turbulence: 22 passengers suffered spinal cord injuries, 6 had head trauma

The oldest patient is 83 years, while the youngest is a two-year-old child who suffered a concussion.

Updated - May 24, 2024 08:44 am IST

Published - May 24, 2024 08:32 am IST - Singapore


Copyright © 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007 

World dam dynamics is wreaking havoc on modern civilization, a society of anachronistic specialists, like critical injuries to the spinal chord, skull and brain. Is this not enough is enough? Throughout the flight the NASA FIRMS FIRE MAP showed the flight path ground conditions red hot with brightness of the fires exceeding 95 to 105 C(20May 2024, 21 May 2024 and in the month prior to the flight schedule. This my research unambiguously proves is due to the direct heating up of the earth by dams of every nation from instant to instant. Similarly the dams hit the plane in its flight path relentlessly every 4.6 minutes on the average with forces and twisters resulting in sudden heat inputs averaging 75 million degrees Kelvin and vertical downward accelerations of 1800gs. Suddenly ten hours into the flight with the plane above Myanmar the air below the plane got so rarefied to cause the plane's altitude to drop at accelerations of 7 to 14 m/s/s and in about 3 secs the plane lost  height by 175m making the passengers enjoying lunch with seat belts unfastened to hit the roof suddenly, so injuring their spinal chords,their skulls and brain. One died.

The trajectory of the aeroplane, when it crosses the waves of force of world dam dynamics is rigidly determined by all the dams of the world acting through their centre of gravity.

From 07:49:24.8 on 21 May 2024, for 62 seconds, the passengers with unfastened seat belts suddenly every few seconds, alternately hit the roof and the floor of the plane as the plane oscillated losing height and gaining height of hundreds of feet every few seconds. Skulls and brains damaged, next second spinal cords damaged because of forces suddenly applied by the world's dams(Click on the figure to view it in full:

Yes they are caused by the forces applied on the plane by worldwide dam content changes from instant to instant: See the rigid control on the plane's altitude exerted by the global dam content changes( Click on the figure to view it in full):

Remove the dams which are causing earthquakes and violent climate catastrophes and employ all in cooperatives to assist assiduously in forest regeneration. Forests and you harmonize in great natural diversity.
Band ka savaal hai behen, baandka savaal hai!

1.Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2017.PERFECT DESIGNS: Ignore root cause get root shock: Dams the cause of Irma's Fury.blogspot 

2. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2018. PERFECT DESIGNS: Mystery of the Malaysian MH 370 airliner disappearance solved. At the link:

Saturday, April 27, 2024

An opportunity for students for learning by doing



The students the world over must seize this God given  opportunity to set the clock back on disasters caused by dams which the opportunists waging wars ascribe to gases.The students must forthwith refuse to go with this deep fake  being perpetrated and perpetuated by irrelevant education by a few universities masquerading their witchcraft as science. 
The world's Dams are more powerful than all the armed forces of all the nations put together and are busy destroying modern civilization, a society of specialists, making all their designs invalid for living! Witness the powdering of the Himalayas, the washing away in minutes of the so called indestructible Rs. 14000 crore Chungthang dam in Sikkim, the massive landslide near the China border on the Highway rendering Dibang in gorgeous Arunachal Pradesh isolated from the rest of Bharat or should I tell you of the wrecking of the hazaro megawatt KASHIWASAKI KARIWA fission nuclear reactor monster in July 2007 through a 6.2 MM magnitude earthquake caused by the world's dams directly beneath the station preceded by a 6.6 MM earthquake just 19 km from the 7965 MW cluster. It is shutdown since. Or of the triple core melt at FUKUSHIMA DAICHI NUCLEAR POWER STATION by nuclear explosions caused by a great 9.1 MM magnitude earthquake at Tohoku on 11 March 2011 CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS?  The world's dams  unleash the power of  1000 one megaton thermonuclear bombs exploding and causing geomorphological changes equivalent to the movement in minutes of the order of ten trillion tons of earth over significant distances with unknown consequences. Or the Madras Atomic Power Station Unit 1 which is shutdown since 30th January 2018 or tornados causing havoc in Omaha or Dubai or Katrina hurricane submerging New Orleans or dams causing fires the world over. The students should force the world's nations to sink their differences and busy their people with reverdure while removing the dams applying public Interest science to enable the obscurantist universities to move to impart true knowledge. There is true knowledge: Learn thou it is this: To see one changeless life, yes one changeless life in all the lives; in the separate the inseparable. That way they will suck enough negentropy from the surroundings and reduce their entropy to a low level to continue to exist in health and true happiness for a long time to come.
Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. Online real-time book My Complete Profile at the article Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. 2021.PERFECT DESIGNS: 1000 one megaton thermonuclear bombs exploding and pandemics like COVID 19 - the consequence of world dam dynamics. Heed!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024



1. The Voyage of Boxship Dali from 2 March 2024 till 26 March 2024 at 5:28: 45

1.1 The voyage of Container ship Dali from Antwerp Port from around  2 Mar 2024 via Gatun East Anch., Panama, New York, Norfolk and Baltimore and from Baltimore on 26 March 2024 at  05:04Z to Colombo was ended at 05: 28 : 45Z when the ship collided with a pier of the Baltimore Bridge at 26-03-2024  05:28:45, lat           39.21733, long   -76.53058  making the bridge to collapse in seconds.

Figure 1: World Dam Dynamics and their Boxship Hit.



2.0 The Root Cause of Dali hitting the pier of the Baltimore Bridge: The World’s Dams.

What is common to the antecedents of such phenomena is World Dam Dynamics and is the highly probable root cause of this tragedy as was that of the Maersk-Honam container ship fire (1). World Dam Dynamics is also the common antecedent of fires across the world. The FIRMS(NASA) daily global total number of fires and the intra-daily worldwide global dam content changes correlate highly significantly: R= -0.2493,df=7598,p = 4.3E-108. When Dali was berthed in New York on 20 March 2024 at 1700Z, a major fire erupted in cold 11 Centigrade Baltimore in a metal scrap recycling plant(2). This was caused by a worldwide dam content change of 0.00436854 BCM(billion cubic meters) which also caused a 4.9 MM magnitude earthquake at Western Xizang, China. The shock input temperature at Dali at that time if all the Dam Force was applied to it would have been 2.3 Million degrees Kelvin. The shock temperature input at the scrap-metal pile if all the dam force were applied at the scrap mass and the scrap mass was the same as the mass of the ship(estimated at 116 million kgs) would have been about this much(2.3 Million degrees Kelvin).

In fact the probability is zero by student’s t test that the world’s fires were due to chance caused by the world’s dams: Actually the fires lag by 384 dam content changes(About a day or 24 hours). See the March figures:

The score of World Dam Dynamics against Dali is beyond design limits as was on the Maersk Honam Boxship(Table 1a). The shock input maximum temperature was reached on 23 March 2024 at 20:20Z and was 100 times the core temperature of the sun which is situated safely 150 million kilometres from good earth. On the average, every 4 minutes the ship was hit by the dams with a shock input temperature of 398000 K and an average shock vertical downward acceleration of 6.45g's. Further details on the shock delivered to the ship are in Table 1a:

For 3 March 2024, 22 March 2024 and 23-March 2024 the trace of earthquakes and dam content changes and corresponding applied forces and moments from the centre of gravity of the world’s dams has been computed. For the slamming pressure scenario for March 3,March 22 and March 23 when the slamming pressures compared with the nominal pressure of 250 MPa were more than double,1.77 times and  7.8 times respectively and  the results are as follow(Table 2):


1. Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2018. PERFECT DESIGNS: The Maersk Honam Boxship Explosion and Fire

2. Heavy smoke from 2-alarm recycling plant fire blankets downtown Baltimore, WBAL logoUpdated: 6:13 PM EDT Mar 20, 2024

Thursday, March 21, 2024

AEIOB: All eggs in one basket!

The political economy of large dams

© 2024 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


AEIOB: All eggs in one basket.

Electoral bonds
For world's hydroelektricks
World Dam Dynamics

Boughtover media
Paid journalists
Concocting deep fakes

Whether coreloading
Hydrogen bomb explosions
Satisfy the greed?

Deep freezing Ladakh
Long lasting fasts disregard
Live let live Sonams

You granted Andhra
You granted Telangana
Jharkhand Chhattisgarh!

Remove the world's dams
Regenerate the glaciers
Apply true knowledge!

I asked forest tribes
They said: Grow diverse forests
They don't cause earthquakes.

Emperor Ashoka

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Mahatma Gandhi is most relevant TODAY!


 The article fails to emphasize that today Mahatma Gandhi is more relevant than ever. Because of its specialist fragmented thoroughly discredited views ignoring the fundamental facts on modern civilization whose consequences were foreseen by the despecialised vision of Mahatma Gandhi. He was witness to the omnicide by the West of the American Indian nations, the destruction in the West of her own pristine forests and subsequent destruction of our own and the American forests for their greedy conquests and the specialist witchcraft which they called proudly science and their application during their imperialist regimes. After clear felling of forests for their ships they found the need to dam the rivers for their gargantuan demands for water so surface water storage became the world order. The destruction of diversity and ecology was immediate. The tribes knew that forests do not create the earthquakes that dams are wreaking on the earth at the rate of three orders of magnitude more than in the predam era. He brought this havoc causing consequences of modern civilization of the half baked West eloquently to the notice of the world in his book Hind Swaraj in 1908: The East can meet the West when the West throws overboard almost the whole of modern civilization; the East can also meet the West when the East embraces modern civilization. But that will be an armed truce. We are seeing the totality of the destructive West's mining of nature in Climate Change. And we are seeing her hypocrisy in putting the blame on ghgs even when only 8 percent of climate change is due to ghgs and 92 percent is due to the world's dams. The ferocity of the dams of all the nations is infinitely more than the might of all the armed forces of the world put together. So the Mahatma is infinitely more powerfully relevant than violence today. The nations of the world must discard the way of the wars and with the bottomline as nature, busy themselves on top priority with the removal of dams the world over and allow forest regeneration and supplement with ubiquitous analogous diverse ecological reforestation with people's cooperatives for millennia. Gram Swaraj is relevant, not greedy selling of weapons for perpetuating omnicide. Jai Bharat, Jai Hind, Jai Jagat! See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar. My Complete Profile by clicking on his name in a good search engine like Duck duck go or Google search.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Dams cause climate change

Copyright © 2011 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

The solution to climate change lies not in net zero emissions but in removing dams and allowing FOREST regeneration. Click on Ramaswami Ashok Kumar in a search engine and then on blogger's profile and the online real time book opens and then click on any work like PERFECT DESIGNS for starters!


UN’s climate summit COP28 linked the tripling of renewable energy capacity with a ‘phase-out’, or a time-bound ending, of the use of fossil fuels.

This follows from the witchcraft asserting that climate change is caused solely by ghgs. The truth is that 92 percent of climate change is due to the world's dams! See Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2022.INDIAN SW MONSOON INTRA-SEASONAL VARIABILITY IS CAUSED BY THE WORLD'S DAMS.blogspot.

Thus the requirement is to remove the dams and allow forest regeneration with people's cooperatives supplementing this with analogous ecologically diverse reforestation with diverse pastures included spanning efforts lasting millennia. This is because dams are non living slaves of gravity and are increasing entropy of the earth through modern civilization rapidly while the atmospheric distribution network of plants recharge groundwaters through multiple reuse cycles of transpiration and rain using the infinite negentropy of the sun and also reproduce themselves. Dams destroy the earth into dustbowls. All living beings take part in the genesis and support of beings in a grand system of nature. Change your constitutions to nature-centric and SOS. Click on Ramaswami Ashok Kumar in a search engine and check  the blogger's profile for starters NOW. It is good to check out first Ramaswami Ashok Kumar.2023. Reforest Mother Earth to Live: Dams must be removed and the hard work to create forests analogous to the areas must be undertaken. blogspot.

Change Could Cause Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions read a racy article in an US Climate Emergency Council article authored by DENNIS BUECKERT dated July 4, 2006. It is the other way round right now and the issue is Dams are causing climate change here and now! The electrical load demands and agricultural and other consumptive water uses worldwide are causing surge waves of changes in water pressure heads of hundreds of kilometers per second at the centers of gravity of water masses behind reservoirs in heavily dammed regions. In addition during the monsoons, the rapid build up of water masses behind dams are causing similar surges of water pressure build up. These are causing a constant rubbing action at the two sides of fractures in rocks at faults. Friction is releasing enormous heat. See
for the dynamics of the interconnection between the hotspots so created, the melting of the rocks and the occurrence of the earthquakes in deterministic fashion. The heat causes floods, landslides, hurricanes and the resultant climate change even resulted in another response of the earth to man's interference in nature's processes: The 1918-1919 influenza pandemic as shown in the URL:
Aware thinking people say I am way ahead of my times. But the fact is that this reflects a basic lacuna of modern civilisation: Dare not see the whole truth, there is no money in it! That means:"In living in this world by his own will and skill, the stupidest peasant or tribesman is more competent than the most intelligent worker or technician or intellectual IN A SOCIETY OF SPECIALISTS." -Wendell Berry.1975. The Unsettling of America:Culture and Agriculture.Sierra Club Books. CA.[Capitals mine]. The subject is dealt with in detail in the URL: which contains linkages to other URLs connected to the subject.